Listening to Hydro Flask

At some point in the past 5 years it seems like you have owned at least one hydro flask or even multiple. If you were lucky enough to not lose yours, you could probably use it for years on end or the fact that these things will keep water cold or hot for hours. According to hydro flask's FAQ website, people say," Simple and reliable ". Now this is where my interest is sparked. Is it enough for Hydro Flasks to just be simple and reliable? With trending brands like Yeti and Stanley who have skyrocketed in the past years, what is hydro flask doing for their customers to not become a relic of the past? Full Circle Hydro Flask states, " We do it because we believe reusable, refillable and reliable products are key to reducing single-use waste. #RefillForGood is our rally cry to raise awareness and encourage people to make the switch to reduce single-use plastics". All over there page they have articles and blogs that talk about their goal to eli...